2008년 12월 22일 월요일

Got Samsung Glyde

Here it is. My new toy called Samsung Glyde. It's also called SCH-U940 if you like it this way.

It's now connected on SK Telecom network. Voice call, SMS enabled. All of the other function including MMS, IM, web browser - gone.

I surfed the web a little and I've found out that they've got a new update for this phone, version BI29 which adds widget shortcuts and white color scheme.

Mine still has old BF25 with Croix scheme and shortcuts. I'm considering about getting an update. The thing is... How the hell am I going to get it? I'm in South Korea and as far as I know.. no Verizon store exists here.

I'll figure it out anyway.. (of course... in different way than sending the phone back to the states, paying fifty bucks.)

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